Matt: Thank you for taking the time to lead our MIT class. The value so exceeded the cost and I really am drawn to your passion. Your staff is outstanding and were very giving and helpful as I stumbled through this learning process. Thank you for having Stephanie bring your daughters and take time to say hello to us. I enjoyed hearing her give voice to her view of your business and strongly sensed her support of you. Count that as a real blessing, man. I appreciated the spot you created for open questions at the end. I wish we had a written evaluation to complete so that you could see what the others in the class thought of the total experience. Giving that feedback to a presenter is sometimes hard (intimidating) for people to do in an open-type forum. Matt, I think you're great and I am so grateful for having had the chance to learn from you. Many thanks. May those to whom love is a stranger find in you a generous friend.
Scott Smallwood,
Sr. Consultant,
Wealth Masters Intnl.