Reviews About Matt Bacak Matt Bacak Reviews – Case Studies, Testimonials and More…


MIT – Matt, here’s a testimonial


I thoroughly enjoyed the MIT program.

It was a hard hitting, no nonsense – three
day program that was very eye opening.

Your instruction was indispensable for
anyone wanting to build an on line business.
I’m still learning all that was taught after the
course is over!

Look forward to working with you in the future.

Bob Freeman

Atlanta, GA

Chief Instructor

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what your course has done for me…

Hi, Matt;

I can't even tell you what your course has done for me.
On Thursday, I was an artist, trying to figure out how to
make some money on the Internet. Last night (three days
later, after attending your MIT course, while waiting for a
return flight to California), I watched on my notebook computer
while over fifty people signed up for my newsletter, which
reveals a proven method to draw killer portraits! It would
have taken years to personally talk to, and convince that many
people to take action. That would be incredible enough, but
when I got home, I was too excited to sleep, and I watched
while dozens more did the same, and it's still going!

You guys have given me a new life!

Warmest regards,

Rick Rucker
You Can Draw Amazing Portraits!

P.S. From now on, when people ask me how I got so
much money, I'm going to tell them that I graduated
from MIT, and that made all the difference!

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It’s Totally Hands On

I’m a “seminar junkie” and the MIT is definitely one of the best I’ve attended. The best part is that it is totally hand on. You don’t just go away with a lot of strategies and ideas. You go away with a website that are already generating highly targeted leads and
a system that will enable you to repeat it again and again.

Patrick M. Powers, Founder of and
Author of “MLM Pitfalls Your Upline Never told you about”

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The Only marketer I’ve personally hired

Russell Brunson is having an 'Online Marketer of The Year' webinar with Matt Bacak.

Russell says, "There is only 1 marketer that I have personally hired to consult me. I paid him $1,000 for a 1 hour consultation.The consultation happened in December, and from that 1 hour call I directly made over $250k.Was it worth it... and would I do it again?Heck yes I would - in fact, today's webinar is with that SAME marketer!!!!

His name is Matt Bacak and he's the ONLY person I have ever personally hired, but today you will have a chance to spend 60 minutes with him, and it won't cost you a cent.

Don't miss this webinar- you can register here:"

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Matt Bacak’s Millionaire Internet Training absolutely delivers!

Matt Bacak’s Millionaire Internet Training absolutely delivers!

Aspiring entrepreneurs will jumpstart their business at Matt’s MIT weekend where he reveals his entire blueprint for starting a profitable Internet business! Holding nothing back, Matt and his knowledgeable team walk you step-by-step through the entire process. From setting up a web page and autoresponder system to sending traffic to your new website, you create your own business right on the spot!

Matt, you really go the extra mile! You and are your team are AMAZING!!!!

~Christine Schaap

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T.Harv Eker and his teams

Dear Matt and Team,

Beginning at your 3 day event has given me more SUPER VALUABLE
tools than 8 days at seminars by T.Harv Eker and his teams.

What was different and special about Marketing Madness?

1. More practical- use right away- BIG money making tips.
2. More love and sincerity
3. Smaller, more intimate & much more responsive to attendees
4. There was "back-selling" but less pressure (fear-guilt) selling
5. TONS of data, USABLE DATA!!
6. Very little "time wastng"
7.I feel empowered by a feeling of confidence that I can follow
these tips and make a "CRAP LOAD" of money in a short time.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What a FAB seminar!!

Judy M. Johnston
author,artist, and public EFT Practitioner

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Saturday’s Call – I’m sorry I tried, but…

Hello Matt,

This is Linda Hepworth from your IMI last summer. I haven't emailed you in awhile and want to say thanks for what you have done for me in my business. Before going to your weekend training I didn't believe that I was doing people an injustice by not reaching them with my business. After all I was taking their money because I was selling to them. You have added so much value to my business, Thanks ! Yes, you may use whatever parts of my email that you need to as a testimonial. You are awesome!

Thanks again for all you do !
Linda Glendale, AZ

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A Fun Filled Weekend

Thanks for the Atlanta event, it was great. Learning from successful people encourages me. You sorted out winners and gave me access to learning. When we all learn together, our success grows together. I’m learning how to use people in their special area. You give me inspiration and one day soon, my success will catch up with yours. It was a fun filled weekend, let’s do it again!
Paul Hastings

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Matt Bacak makes you rich for life!

Everything! Tony Robbins makes you motivated
for a day….Matt Bacak makes you rich for life!

Stefan Lvbinski

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MIT Course Is Tops

Matt and Team,

Your MIT course is tops when it comes to the implementation. No where else can you get this kind of on site experience and help. Best three days I have ever spent in training. I’m so glad that I started my Internet Marketing training with you and your staff. A great experience! It’s as good as it gets!

Fred Gagnon, Atlanta Chapter Director

Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle

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