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T.Harv Eker and his teams

Dear Matt and Team,

Beginning at your 3 day event has given me more SUPER VALUABLE
tools than 8 days at seminars by T.Harv Eker and his teams.

What was different and special about Marketing Madness?

1. More practical- use right away- BIG money making tips.
2. More love and sincerity
3. Smaller, more intimate & much more responsive to attendees
4. There was "back-selling" but less pressure (fear-guilt) selling
5. TONS of data, USABLE DATA!!
6. Very little "time wastng"
7.I feel empowered by a feeling of confidence that I can follow
these tips and make a "CRAP LOAD" of money in a short time.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What a FAB seminar!!

Judy M. Johnston
author,artist, and public EFT Practitioner

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