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no B.S approach

Geoffrey and I attended the MMI workshop that was held on the 14th and
15th. It was great to get a no B.S approach from someone who is making
a substantial living from a variety of different Internet Marketing

There was a massive amount of information that was given out, and for
me I could of listened to everyone for a full week!

Thanks for the information to get into the Inner Circle. I have looked
at it and looked at promoting tips, brilliant sites for everything.

Just like to say, thank you again for the information that was shared
by Matt, Joey, Mike and yourself. I am glad that someone can really
show people how to use a piece of software, like you did with
AutoResponder. That was a pleasant surprise as I have met so called
teachers who simply skip skip skip over what is really needed to be
known. (I use to teach IT) So again, thanks for not skipping.

One last thing, a friend of mine is rather jealous that Geoff and I
attended the MMI workshop and would like to know if Matt will be
organising another MMI in London? If so, when so my friend can sign up
and attend.

Marvelous 2 days. Fully recommended for those who are really serious
about wanting to create a life that one deserves.

Very kind regards
Ian & Geoff

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