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This could be business shattering for some…

Last night at 12:59, I received an
email that could be business shattering
for some. The subject line said:

100,000 Opt-In Leads for $100

It also read...

"I still have three (3) million new, 30-60 day old
opt-in leads available. If you use emailing and opt-in
business opportun.ity seeker leads, I have these
packages for these prices: 100,000 Leads for $100"

If you ever see something like this run
away, no delete it as soon as possible.


That's the wrong way to do it!

Because this is not the way to build a high
quality list. And it will cost you more than
that $100 because you may be asked to leave
your hosting company, godaddy could fine you
or whoever you bought your URL from can.

Plus on top of that your emails could be
blacklisted and you'll never have a really
good email blast again.

Yes, leads flow is the lifeblood of
your business. But you want to focus
on building a quality list. I once heard
from a friend that if you have 5,000
quality people in your database then
it's worth 1 million doll.ars to you.

After I heard that I started thinking,
and asking around and hearing the same
answer. Yes, it is true but it's about
quality. The key word is quality!

Doing it the wrong way led me straight
to the bankruptcy courts. But when I
figured out how to do it the right way
I built a multi-million business.

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Who else wants to be #1 for search words…

Many internet marketers out there claim that they can help
you get high up in the search engines. Many can but they're few
and far between. Many might regurgitate the strategies from
a book they've read or from a seminar they just went to. When it
comes to getting information from a company or a person
make sure that they have done it before. This will save you
a lot of your hard earned money.

Also, beware of claims with no real results.

Beware of software that is being sold to you from some that
figured out a strategy that works well for now but they know
that it's not going to last very long.

Things like those can really hurt you.

But there are people that can help you.

Believe me I know, today we just hit #7
of about 66,200,000 for marketing tips
on Google's search engine.

More reviews coming your way soon.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. For more information about this go here:

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